
Hey Everyone,

My Name is Maggie!

I am a Seminary graduate trying to do ministry in this beautiful yet often messy world. I don’t know what that ministry will look like, where it will be or how it will happen but what I’m learning is, if I wait for these answers or search too hard for them then I will bypass them completely. The what, where and how of these questions and of all of our questions are happening right now. This blog is my attempt to see the goodness as it’s happening, to recognize God in the most unlikely of places and to enjoy the struggle of everyday life.

I hope that some of my reflections will shed light on a part of your own story and your own experiences and maybe just maybe in those shared experiences we will feel a little more understood, a little more valued and a little more free.

I’ll leave you all with some wise words from Soren Kierkegaard:

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”